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Fundamentals of Manufacturing for an ERP is a Course released 26th November 2020, aimed at freshers aspiring to learn and Fundamentals of Manufacturing Functions.
In typical manufacturing organization you may be directly part of manufacturing the Products of your organization. Or you may be dealing with Manufacturing unit while performing functions such as Sales, Marketing, Procurement, Planning, Design, Accounting, Finance, Store keeping and Services. In all your dealings you might be wondering on some of the terms and practices that you might be hearing in the conversations with your Manufacturing counterparts.
You as a Store keeper deal with issuing materials and may realize certain material are issued as a set because they are all used to make certain product. At times, you will be seeing alternative items issued in place of the items in the Material list against the work order for which you are issuing the material. At times, you see some material are not immediately requested even if they are in the Material list of Work order. This is probably because they are needed only in later steps of manufacturing. You will pick a few things about manufacturing and miss many.
As a Sales person you will be wondering why an order for big quantity from customer can not be fulfilled at the given dates. Why cant this order be still taken and fulfil by engaging more people to complete on time. You will be disappointed for the delay of Cash Flow when the Planner or Plant manager firmly confirm the order of such size can be delivered only at a later date. You may really want to know what are those constraints which can not let the Production Plant deliver the order on the date you wanted even with adding man power.
Even as a Lathe Machine expert in the Manufacturing Department, you might be wondering on many aspects on what is impact of your work on the end product and why certain scheduling actions on your piece of work, are not clear to you.
This kind of “missing knowledge” or “gaps of knowledge” is quite common for all interfacing functions of Manufacturing, as well as the function Manufacturing itself. Every one of you know a little bit on Manufacturing not all the basics. If any of you want to pick up Manufacturing as your add-on Skill or full time career, you may first want to get to the basics.
Any career aspirant a new comer from the college or a non-manufacturing SME want to get in to Manufacturing domain, the basics will be the starting point. And basics are the foundation based on which you grow.
eBodhisathva Solution made the course with above kind of professionals and starters.
This course is fully focused on explaining the very fundamentals of Manufacturing, with detailed illustrations where possible.
The examples used in the Course are not very usual examples that you may see from public information. Lot of effort is spent to include more realistic and close to real examples in the Organization.
To make the explanation very appealing, lot of graphics and animations are applied appropriately.
The aspirants of ERP career, IT consultants, Professionals in other domains of Manufacturing industry and Engineering students may take this as a starting point before going in depth to specialized topics within Manufacturing.
The Course is structured as below:
Introduction to Manufacturing
Bill of Material (Enhanced on 1st Dec 2020)
Routing (Enhanced in Mar 2021)
Types of Manufacturing
Discrete Job Shop
Repetitive Manufacturing
Assemble to Order Manufacturing
Project Manufacturing
Process Manufacturing
Just in Time (JIT) –ebook added in Feb 2021
- Order review in Manufacturing
- Types of Inventory by type of use, Classification by Value and Consumption patterns
- Order review and Fulfilment cycle
- Order review methods based on Stock levels
- Order review methods based on requirement timing and Stock levels
- Summary
* The Course has supporting Off-line reading material in the form of eBooks for most of the topics covered.
* The Course included exercises for Practical understanding of the concepts, wherever applicable.
* The Course is associated Quizzes for students to refresh their understanding during attending course
* This course will be Continuously upgraded to cover other aspects of Manufacturing. The enhancements will be included in the course for no extra-cost for the students already enrolled as well as for new students.
Please refer to Special offers Page for regularly updated special discounts.