SPECIAL DISCOUNT at 13 USD till end of April, 2021 or Coupons are exhausted (Click to enroll):https://www.udemy.com/course/remoteimplmentationofsap/?couponCode=APR_12.99
In the later part of the year 2019 a new virus came in to our life. We didnt have choice but to stay at home and operate with lot of restrictions. While the challenges were more severe in the business sectors such as Automobiles, Manufacturing, Mining, Logistics & transportation the sectors such as IT. Media, Entertainment and Pharma had the opportunity to handle better. It didnt mean these sectors had smooth sailing. Pharma sector needed to make medicines, Sanitizers and many. Media and Entertainment teams needed to work while the citizens could enjoy the outcome. Internet and Cloud Services had challenges to ensure IT teams and others can survive. All essential services such as Power, Water and other utilities had to work in the dangerous environment.
While IT sector must be thankful for the supporting entities to ensure uninterrupted Internet, Power supplies, Food supplies they had their own challenges.
With my purview in IT, I thought of sharing the experiences of executing the IT projects from almost 100% remote. Even today,
Covid is not yet over. The second wave seemed to be more impactful than the wave one. Having said that, there was a pause between the waves which gave opportunity to look at
- How we handled the pandemic in the first wave with a non-negotiable terms with every team member sitting alone and working from remote, and
- How, from the learning in Wave 1, can we handle the engagements with much more effective and efficient mechanism
To change your working model from on premise in a few locations to every member sitting alone and working as team, there are many steps needed.
1. Change your Process and Policies to suite to the new working model. Your attendance system, your payrolls, Your asset policies, customer agreements, Legal and Compliance procedures and many needed to be changed and incorporated. The Proliferation of the new policies and processes and setting up a task force and helpdesk to guide the team on new working model was must.
2. You needed to train every member of your organization from top to bottom (for Customer, Service Provider as well as other stakeholders)
3. Management, team members are to be guided by the Executive teams
4. Figure out the ways of executing every step of your Project and change the plans to accommodate execution of al activities from remote and still meet the objectives
5. For inevitable cases when physical movement is required, you needed to figure out in advance on how to perform the activities and what care needed to be taken
6. Identify the training needs, additional team requirements, additional infrastructure needs, Investments, team allowances and funding and arrange them
7. Ensuring the motivation and attending the poor performers from remote had it’s own challenges
8. There were many unknowns that surfaced on the fly. They still needed to be handled within the limitations of the Project schedule.
The lessons and experiences provided lot of inputs on how future projects could be handled much better with little or minimum movements.
There were a few areas still left for more innovation to be enabled for complete remote working. Even the tasks meant for physical execution can possibly be executed through maturity of innovations in space of driverless cars, Drones, Robots, IOT and many more.
The course SAP ERP Implementation Full from Remote (Experience Sharing) is hence still relevant. It explained the challenges and the multiple kinds of preparation and remote execution performed for implementing a multi-country SAP Implementation.
The video at the beginning of page, sets the context of the IT Project executing under severe pandemic scenario (Which is still the case now with second wave of corona impacting most of the world at much more severity than that of wave one). It is followed by Pre-requisites, Target audience and Course Contents. .
The course refers to a close to real business case that leads the customer to implement SAP fully from remote and presents the challenges involved This video sets the context of the IT Project executing under severe pandemic scenario (Which is still the case now with second wave of corona impacting most of the world at much more severity than that of wave one). It is followed by Pre-requisites, Target audience and Course Contents. .
This Course is about sharing the experiences of executing multi-country SAP Implementation completely by Remote team with each member sitting at home. Entire course is explained through a close to real business scenario to make the Practical oriented Explanation. You hence may not see a structured training on how to perform a remote project which you might have heard multiple times during last few months.
The course starts with introduction of a Business Situation and reasons on why Customer still had to proceed the Implementation during the Complete lockdown situation. The session followed with all challenges of working from Remote on what is all needed to go for such execution.
Next section talks about how you prepare the get all the needed avenues such as capable team, sufficient infrastructure through Changes to Process and Policies, Training & guidance.
The critical part of the course is about how each and every activities involved in a typical ASAP Implementation cycle are analyzed in view of what kind of team needed, what additional tools required, what processes are to be changed, what additional support was required from Customer.
After that the Execution of Major phases and how the execution is done is explained.
The experience and learnings are shared at the end of execution section.
The Course also touched a few aspects on how in future, the remote execution of IT Projects can be performed with much ease and more effectively. The learnings and suggestions to overcome some of the open items which could not be performed from remote were added.
The course also briefs on some of the current innovations such as robots, IOTs, drone deliveries, Driverless vehicles etc which can widen the purview of remote execution.
Food for debate on why cant we continue the good practices and get the benefits of Remote or Virtual execution which can reduce costs, more effective team discussions, improvement of team morale etc.
The Course is structured as:
- Introduction
- Business Scenario & Challenges
- Preparation
- Analysis of Implementation Cycle
- Blue Print Phase
- Realization Phase
- Go Live and Support
- Lessons learnt
- Open issues
- Conclusion
If interesting you are welcome to enroll the course at: https://www.udemy.com/course/remoteimplmentationofsap/?referralCode=81C6FFB6536B9905D658